Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Schooling Debacle

Home School, Public School, Private School, Unschool... God damn there are way too many options when it comes to figuring out what kind of education to provide for your kids.

Before I met the internet blogging world, I only thought there were really two options, public school or private school. Growing up no one home schooled or at least no one that I was raised around, the concept was beyond foreign. Unschooling wasn't even a thought, but the way I look at it, it can certainly be compared to parents who didn't send their children to school period.

When it came time for me to really decide what kind of educational path I chose for my children I did not make the choice with a light heart, or to be off the beaten path. My choice would impact my child forever. From their education, to the possibility of college, career, everything. I mean everything!

My first thought was I would love to home school. Then a million questions and thoughts ran through my mind like the hamster on that stupid wheel at 2 in the morning, one day my children will wake up to no hamster!

  • I want to kill my kids by noon as it is, do I really want them home all the time, when I have the option to ship them out?
  • Am I qualified to give my children what I feel is a quality education?
  • How will it impact their opportunities for continuing education after the standard schooling period?
I talked myself right out of home schooling. Looking back I am glad I made that decision because the boys are thriving in their current educational environment. And I don't feel as though the education I have is enough to provide them with proper schooling.

Now that home schooling was out of the picture, I didn't have to worry about unschooling, not that I would really be interested in that from the get go. Something about the concept to me is upsetting. I understand it is perfect for some families, and I don't understand much about it but I feel as though some of these people aren't doing anything more than setting their children up for failure in their adult lives.
Like it or not, I feel as though children have a strong need for some form of structure in life.

It was down to public or private knowing the vast majority of the private schools in our community are structured around religion which has zero interest to me. My husband on the other hand was born and raised shackled to a church so the thought of getting the children some kind of religious teaching was a positive to him, partly because I do not force my kids to go to church. Call me a bad mother, I dont think kids should be forced into religion. Especially if it is a religion filled with pedophiles every way you turn.

Along with my reservations on religious schooling, and the price tag that goes along with it, I won the battle for public school. We already pay more than enough in taxes, why tack on another $12K per year for our children at this point, and even more with each child we have, since I am certainly not done.

In the end public school has become a great option for our family. My children are truly being educated. Being taught to read, write properly, and learn skills they will need for adulthood.
It is nice to think about all kinds of alternative options but we have to consider what we are really setting our children up for.

Success or failure?