Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blind Leading the Blind into Battle?

Thank you to Teabonics for the picture, if you haven't been over to Flickr and checked out the hysterical photo album people have been putting together of Tea Party Patriot signs, please do not hesitate any further. Be sure to pee before you check it out though!

Though the Tea Party supporters have greatly decreased in the past calendar year, they seem to be popping up in the news the past week since April 15th, Tax Day was last week. I wanted to express some of my feelings on the Tea Party situation as a whole in one post. I probably won't revisit the subject unless these elderly nut jobs start bombing things or committing acts of terrorism in the name of patriotism.

First things first. Sarah Palin? Really? I think we all know my track record with the former VP candidate and Governor of Alaska. As it stands, I still think my dog could do a better job at most things, including mothering her brood. Could these Tea Party supporters not have access to anyone better? The majority of Americans think she is useless so the new cause de jour picks her up to be a spokes woman? If you guys really want to be taken seriously drop Airhead Barbie and pick up that other nut job Glenn Beck.
Does this mean the Republican's don't want her back?

Second, watch your words. Encouraging citizens to take up arms against the government could be considered a serious terrorist threat in the times we live in. Domestic terrorism is not special, it does not make you any better than the extremists that flew planes into the Twin Towers, and it certainly doesn't get anything accomplished, especially change. Bill Clinton was right when he warned you to watch your words.

Third, where are all the blacks at your rallies? The Tea Party movement certainly looks to me like a bunch of older, wealthy whites. I think Andy Ostroy hit the nail right on the head when he wrote The Tea Party Movement Isn't About Racism? Read This... After reading that, I took a stroll over to The New York Times which released the findings of a poll focused around the new Tea Party Movement. Their findings?
Tea Party Movement Supporters tend to :

  • Be White
  • Be Male
  • Be Married
  • Over the age of 45
  • With Conservative Republican Views
  • Classify themselves as "angry" with Washington
  • Place the majority of the blame on Obama (that is a whole post in itself)
  • Believe the current administration favors blacks over whites
All extremely telling for me at least. I am not racist by any means, but I can certainly see the divide between the races, even more so once Obama took office. In the article is shows the majority of the Tea Party Supporters feel as though Obama does not share the views of Americans. In other words, according to these new radicals, the majority of Americans are white, church going, conservatives, certainly not the case. Another reason why Obama was voted in to begin with.

If that is the majority, then someone needs to run that by the majority that run in my circle up here in the great white North East that would rather go out shopping or fishing on Sunday rather than run down to the local chapel for a snooze.

But the movement wouldn't be your typical post Republicans if they weren't hypocrites. The majority of the Tea Party Supporters do not want any changes made to their social security benefits, or medicare, two large government programs in many cases highly funded by the government they are bitching and moaning about.

To wrap it all up, I want to share a quote which was at the tail end of the New York Times article on the poll.

“He’s a socialist. And to tell you the truth, I think he’s a Muslim and trying to head us in that direction, I don’t care what he says. He’s been in office over a year and can’t find a church to go to. That doesn’t say much for him.”

Said by Kathy Mayhugh, 67, a retired medical transcriber in Jacksonville. Mrs. Mayhugh, buying into propaganda of this nature puts you in the same category as Palin, uneducated.