Friday, July 31, 2009

Your kids are out of control

I like to consider myself pretty tolerant. Having more than one child, especially little boys has done that to me over the years. But a friend of my husband's childhood is in town, so they came over to our house this morning for a short visit.
And I am glad it was short!
As if the children fighting over toys and video games, and pushing my toddler around wasn't enough, then the mother of all things happened. While RUNNING in the house, which we don't allow to begin with, the youngest of the 3 hellions TRIPPED and the OPEN chocolate milk he had in his hands FLEW all over my WHITE couch which we just had cleaned YESTERDAY.

Now I know most will wonder, why have a white couch with kids? Why? Because we do not eat in our living room, we do not have open drinks in our living room on the furniture, we do not run with food or drinks in the house, and so far, in the two years we have had this couch, with kids, we haven't had any accidents.

Seriously, some people should really evaluate the behavior of their children before dragging them to others homes.