Thursday, July 23, 2009

Who Would Have Thought?

Who would have thought?
Sarah Palin, stepping down as governor, just in time for the announcement that she is being investigated for ethical violations.

Surprised? Nope! I certainly am not.

Now we all know I was a very outspoken advocate against Sarah Palin to begin with because of her IQ and the way she made women in general look, but now this is just the icing on her Jerry Springer, cigarette paste cake.

So, in a tribute to Sarah Palin, I am going to go over the wonderful time line of events she graced us with over the past years.

November 7th, 2006 - She is elected Governor of Alaska.
April 18th, 2008 - Sarah Palin gives birth to her 5th child in true pro life breeder style. Her son Trigg, is revealed to have downs syndrome, but that doesn't stop her from jet setting all over the US in the last days of her pregnancy, and getting on a plane while in labor for an 8 hour flight back to Alaska knowing that the child she is giving birth to would need serious medical care at birth. Mom of the year right? But it is ok, because she is praised by anti-abortion advocates for her not terminating her pregnancy. Then she dumps the kid off on other people and goes back to work 3 days after giving birth to him.
July 2008 - Ethics probe starts into finding out whether or not Sarah Palin misused her power to have her former brother in law fired from his job as a state trooper. Surprise Surprise!
August 29th 2008 - John McCain throws the Presidential election right into the lap of Barack Obama by picking small down mayor turned Governor to be his Vice President running mate. A woman who has been governor for barely two years and has virtually no experience in National Politics, which she proceeded to show in her interviews.
September 1st, 2008 - Sarah Palin announces that her oldest teen daughter Bristol is knocked up by her boyfriend Levi Johnston. Clearly the abstinence programs she had been promoting and funding as a governor failed her own child. But maybe if she wasn't too busy for her kids, and actually was a full time parent to her daughter, this would have never happened.
September 11th, 2008 - First early interviews prove she is as stupid as people claimed her to be.
September 11th, 2008 - Her eldest son Track (where does she pull these names out of?) deploys to Iraq and she feels the need to make a huge deal out of it. Um, we are at war, welcome to being a parent of a soldier. You aren't the first parent to send your boy off to war, and you will not be the last.
October 2nd, 2008 - Vice Presidential debate, where Joe Biden smashed her. The only thing that kept her semi afloat was the fact that she kept winking at the camera like she was in a beauty pageant. I was waiting for her to pull out her flute and start marching around stage for the talent portion.
October 10th, 2008 - An inquiry into the abuse of power claim by Alaska lawmakers shows that Sarah Palin did in fact abuse her power as governor while trying to get her former brother in law fired.
October 18th, 2008 - Sarah Palin does Saturday Night Live and basically pokes fun at herself, yet after the election is up in arms about how people like Tina Fey portrayed her.
November 4th, 2008
- Bid for Vice President ends. She lost the election for John McCain.
November 7th, 2008 - McCain aids criticize Palin for her actions such as the $150,000 wardrobe budget, being duped into talking to Canadian comedians, and her comments in public in general.
April 2009 - Palin struggles with the legislature and people who were once alliances to Palin have since turned on her saying that she is more concerned with her public image than she is concerned with the budget and state of affairs in Alaska. Especially turning down stimulus money that the Alaskan people could have greatly benefited from, but she put her pride first.
May 12th, 2009 - Palin made a deal with a popular publishing company to pen her memoir. Taking her personal interests and putting them above her duties as governor and mother.
June 8th, 2009 - Palin decides to "drop in" at a Republican fundraiser dinner which she originally said she could not attend when asked to be their special guest.
July 3rd, 2009 - Well donchaknow Sarah Palin decides to resign. She holds a small, last minute press conference on a holiday weekend trying to do it under the radar and tells the people of America she is resigning as Governor of Alaska, but doesn't give any real reason for her decision.
July 14th, 2009 - The truth comes out! Sarah Palin is under investigation regarding unethical activity in her "Palin Legal Fund" helping to raise funds for their mounting legal bills. Booya!

While it has been fun, really fun, to make fun of her over the past year, it is almost sad that this women, is this dumb. Maybe she should just go back to being a mom and focus on her kids before her other two daughters follow in the footsteps of their oldest sister who now has a bastard child her parents pay for and an absent baby daddy.