Friday, October 9, 2009

Feminism Doesn't End at Choice....

Meaning, in so many words, our pro choice goals as feminists, should not stop once a woman has made the choice to continue her pregnancy to term.

We are seeing a current epidemic of women who are losing their own reproductive freedom's during pregnancy and at the time of birth. There is a large epidemic of court ordered cesarean sections, which can and has already been compared to rape.
We have seen this currently in the case of Joy Szabo who was told if she showed up at her local hospital to give birth (VBAC) she would be court ordered to have a cesarean section against her will. Which in turn completely violates the laws regarding informed consent.
Then we move on to the case of Amber Marlowe who was told after a routine late term ultrasound her baby was 13+ pounds and she needed a cesarean, after giving birth vaginally to her previous 6 children with no issue. Hospital staff went to the court, and they were granted a court order to perform a "medically necessary" cesarean and petitioned to become the "guardian" of the unborn child. Talk about out of a movie huh? She went to a different hospital and delivered, vaginally, a healthy 11 pound baby with no complications.
Now had the first hospital got their hands on this woman, she would have been subject to serious unnecessary major surgery.
Hear Laura Pemberton speak about her experience....

Laura Pemberton from NAPW on Vimeo.

Then the case of Laura Pemberton in Florida. Refused a c-section and signed herself out of the hospital AMA, and went home to continue to labor on her own. While in labor, she was met with a knock on her door, and handcuffed, and returned to the hospital for a court ordered c-section after the hospital told a judge that the risk to the baby from uterine rupture was significant. I am sorry, but a less than 1% chance, is not significant when the risk of the child actually DYING is three times greater with an elective c-section.
The cases go on and on. But why is there such a problem?
Well, for one we are not living in the Orwell Novel 1984. Our government should not be making medical decision for us, nor should Doctors solely be making these choices. We are constantly hearing the Pro Choice crowd picketing and arguing about the rights of the pregnant women when it comes to abortion, but what about those SAME pro choice women that make a decision to keep their baby, or plan to get pregnant. Of Course they should still get the same kind of treatment regarding the medical decisions they make during their pregnancy and birth.

It is a truly scary day in America when women lose their rights simply because they are pregnant.


Ameya said...

Great post, couldn't agree more. This is really horrifying stuff. :(