Thursday, November 13, 2008

Plethora of Topics today

Bare with my plethora of topics. I have a lot to cover since life has actually taken me away from blogging as much as I personally would like.

First things first. Thomas Beatie is not a pregnant man. He is a woman who chooses to live life as a man. He has all FEMALE parts, no male parts, he had his breasts removed, he has a uterus, a vagina, ovaries, the whole package. SHE IS NOT A MAN!
So the fact that he is pregnant for a second time is not a medical miracle, its simple biology. Women get pregnant everyday. Its life.
His family is a three ring circus, he is choosing to make a mochary out of their choices to become parents. You are not the Duggars, you are not Jon & Kate plus 8, there is nothing special about you or your family. The gay community does not support what you are doing as in living your life as a circus.

Second on my list of things to address. Election day was an amazing day in History. Americans spoke, and lies were not the winner this year. Yes we can! And Yes we did!

Third on my agenda, Casey Anthony, thank god they arrested this bitch for the murder of her daughter. Took them long enough! There were developments in the case today, giving hope that this poor child's body would be found, but unfortunately the media ran with it too fast and there was no significant finding in the case. My thoughts are with the search teams in hopes they find this little girl so that the case in general can be semi closed, and the trial can be cut and dry.

Fourth, lets address Sarah Palin. Is she ever going to go away? Seriously. Ok, you lost. Go back to Alaska, and be that no name governor that no one ever heard of before McCain picked you to ruin his campaign. But of course, you are going to milk this for all its worth. I give it 6 months at most before you either have a book deal, or a reality TV show.